Varicose veins in women's legs

varicose veins in the legs

Science deals with the treatment of all vascular diseasesphlebology. problems related toshipsit started in one person a very long time ago, perhaps when he stood on two for the first timelegs. It leads to excessive physical stress on the lower extremitiesvaricose veinsaboutlegIt is related to the treatment of this disease in womenshouldersdoctorsphlebologists. They identify with successvaricose veinsand implements complex methods of its treatment. It combines with modernsurgeryand minimally invasive technologies, laserphlebologyAndphysiotherapytreatment of varicose veins gives positive results.

What are varicose veins?

Wordvaricose veinscomes from the Latin "varicis" and means swelling. With varicose veins, the output is impairedblood,veinsexpands, which leads to stagnationleg. Varicose veinsveinsWomen (20%) are more affected than men (10%).

Causes of varicose veins on legs in women

The causes of this disease are various unfavorable factors:

  • heavy physical activity increasespressureVveins;
  • weakness of the venous wall;
  • monotonous sitting or standing work;
  • uncomfortable, tight clothing or shoes;
  • overweight;
  • pregnancyorbirth;
  • to smoke;
  • hereditary factors;
  • injuries and tumors.

Varicose veins occurveinsdue to damage to the venous valve, it delays the outputblood, prevents it from moving correctlyheart. As a result, it can beswelling, blood clotting and in severe casesulcers.

Stages of varicose veins

There are two stages of varicose veins. Initial expansionveinsfound in 20-40% of the population of developed countries. Caused by insufficient powershipswhen does it happenpregnancy, during physical overload orobesity.

Secondary expansionveinsusually caused by heredity, injury, or tumor. When the valve does not cope with its work, there is a violation of venous flow, as a result of which the oxygen supply is reduced. It seemstrophic ulcers.

The first signs of varicose veins

  • burning in the lower extremities;
  • night cramps;
  • darkening and swellingveins;
  • the appearance of ulcerative formations.

Treatment of varicose veins in the legs

With the slightest doubtvaricose veinscontact your surgeon immediatelyPhlebologist.TreatIt is important to treat varicose veins in time and avoid chronic forms.
TherapyThis disease requires a complex approach. Regardless of the severity of the disease, it is very important to take during the disease: vitamins (C and E), minerals (zinc, silicon), amino acids (taurine, lysine), enzymes (pancreatin or mezim), probiotics, always. fiber and medicinal plants: horse chestnut, ginger, blueberry, cayenne pepper, hop cones, lilac leaves, kolancho juice.

Other treatment methods are surgical, minimally invasive devices, laser treatment andphysiotherapyapplied after observation and recommendationsdoctor.

Prevention of varicose veins in the legs

Preventive measures will help prevent varicose veins:

  • maintain a proper and healthy lifestyle and diet, move more and do sports;
  • do not take very hot baths, visit saunas and spend less time in the sun;
  • lose weight, avoid constipation;
  • do not wear uncomfortable clothes and shoes;
  • do not cross your legs;
  • distribute the load evenly, do not stay in one position for a long time;
  • move your feet and toes for 3-5 minutes in the morning and evening;
  • take cool baths forlegs, walking through the dew.

Any disease can be prevented, but not every disease can be cured. So treat your body with love and be healthy!